Mrs. Ashley Curtis MA, M.Ed, Ed.S., LAC, LMCHA

Mrs. Ashley Curtis is the owner and founder of Authentically U PLLC, where healing and authenticity meet. With a firm belief that everyone possesses the innate ability to thrive, she dedicates her practice to helping individuals uncover their authentic selves. In addition to her role at Authentically U, Ashley is a school counselor specializing in working with Black and Brown girls. She is passionate about supporting these young women in their educational journeys and personal development. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, focusing her research on exploring expressive interventions for Black adolescent girls in school counseling. Her goal is to develop effective strategies that enhance their mental health and academic success.

Her journey began as an educator at an all-girls school, where she witnessed firsthand the injustices faced by her students. This experience deepened her understanding of the systemic issues affecting not only the students but also their families and communities, perpetuating generational patterns of trauma. Having navigated her own experiences of trauma, Ashley understands the impact of inherited patterns and has found hope and courage through new ways of processing these experiences. This personal journey informs her empathetic and effective approach to counseling.

The Only One in the Room: Navigating Mental Health Challenges in the Education Profession During Uncertain Times
In this panel, distinguished educators and mental health experts will examine the distinct mental health challenges that educators, especially those of color, encounter in today’s fluctuating educational environments. The discussion will highlight effective strategies and support systems essential for maintaining mental wellness among educators. Panelists will offer insights and actionable tools to manage both personal and professional stresses, empowering educators to excel and sustain their well-being in all aspects of their lives.

Dr. Ovett Chapman Ph.D.
Mrs. Ashley Curtis MA, M.Ed, Ed.S., LAC, LMCHA
Dr. Da’mond Gadson DBH, LPC, MPC, MED
Dr. LeTron R. Alexander PsyD., M.S., Ed.S
Dr. Comel J. Belin, PhD

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