Clottee Hammons is an Artist, Writer, Poet, Activist, Educator and Prevention Specialist. She views her special call as a “community builder” and works in grateful collaboration with numerous artists, organizations and individuals while being conscientious and mindful of honoring her ancestors. Ms. Hammons is the Creative Director and Founder of Emancipation Arts LLC. The Mission of Emancipation Arts is to honor our African and enslaved ancestors through measurably influencing, constructively impacting, and fortifying under-served, at-risk or neglected populations; with particular focus on African American, African and Caribbean immigrant and African refugee communities in Maricopa County, through Arts practices and egalitarian collaborations. Ms. Hammons is the 2021 recipient of the Governor’s Arts Award for small business. She taught Art Theory and Techniques to students [K – 8], differently abled students as well as seniors. She also provided a focused arts program to women in a domestic violence shelter environment. In addition to teaching Art, Ms. Hammons provides educations and information to groups and individuals about cultural competency, prevention and harm reduction approaches to HIV/AIDS, STIs, substance dependence, poverty and homelessness.