Black Men in White Coats

Black Men in White Coats

AMCA (Academic Medical Consortium of Arizona) is excited to bring Black Men in White Coats to the Valley. This initiative was started by Dr. Dale Okorodudu in Houston. The mission is to increase the number of Black men in medicine by providing inspiration, exposure, and mentoring. There are over 20 cities that host a summit for their community, and we’re beyond excited to bring it to Phoenix. Students and parents in grades 6th-12th will be targeted, and higher level programming will be available for undergraduate students. This will be a day filled with workshops, panels, hands-on and simulation activities, and inspirational stories. Midwestern University has graciously offered to host at their campus.

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Students in grades 6th-12th will be targeted, and higher level programming will be available for undergraduate students. It will be a day filled with workshops, panels, hands-on and simulation activities, and inspirational stories. Midwestern University has graciously offered to host at their campus. We are casting our net wide and extending an invitation to families and other groups throughout Maricopa County. This event is open to EVERYONE. Medical professionals representing the diversity in our communities, e.g. Hispanic/Latino, Native, Rural, will participate.



Feb 10 2024


9:00 am - 2:00 pm

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