Shelle Schlosser is a Federal Programs Director and Program Administrator for the Agua Fria Union High School District. She graduated with a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University in 2015. She has 23 years of experience in education in many different roles, such as a teacher, counselor, and administrator. Shelle Schlosser uses her experiences in education, leadership, and management to serve and mentor others.
Unstoppable Leadership: Finding Your Passion in Educational Leadership
If the right leader at the helm is an important factor in helping schools become successful institutions for both teachers and students, it is justifiable to conclude that new or novice educational leaders must have support in addition to having skills and passion. This presentation will encourage teachers to think about their passions and look at pathways into leadership roles that can help them develop their leadership skills and ultimately land them in the leadership role they ultimately desire. This presentation will look at leadership roles outside of the principalship. I will discuss my own pathway into educational administrative leadership and the rough patches I faced as a woman of color. This presentation will delve into leadership archetypes and help participants identify their own.